Driving a Skills-Based Revolution

Harness TalentGuard’s AI-powered platform to transform into a skills-first organization. Enhance employee experiences with personalized career pathways, tailored skill development, and comprehensive data insights.

TalentGuard AI Workforce Intelligence Platform

Award-Winning AI-Powered Platform

Skills Taxonomies

TalentGuard’s taxonomies cover skills across multiple industries, including technical, soft, and leadership skills. We map these skills to learning resources, coaching tips, interview guides, and development experiences. This holistic approach provides employees with all the tools and guidance they need for continuous growth and career progression.

Job Ontologies

TalentGuard’s comprehensive ontologies encompass thousands of job profiles, each mapped with precise job descriptions, core responsibilities, skills, behavioral indicators, target benchmarks, and more. This detailed framework ensures a thorough understanding of each role, supporting effective talent management and development.

Skills-based Platform

TalentGuard’s skills-based platform offers intelligent insights on skill gaps, career matches, performance, and personalized learning paths. Using data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and labor market data, our platform empowers you to gather and analyze workforce data for improved decision-making.

Data-Driven Talent Decisions, Skills-Forward Approach

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TalentGuard Skills Taxonomy 3


Our data shows improvement in Key HR Metrics.


Reduce job creation time by 24x.

Accruent Case Study


Reduction in turnover rates by 10%.

iVenture Case Study


Increase in upskilling impact by 60%.

Version 1 Case Study


Increase in employee engagement scores by 15%.

St. Jude Medical Case Study


Improvement in internal transition rate by 25%.

CPG Case Study


Reduction in time-to-fill for open positions by 30%.

Retail Case Study

Transformation is integral to our approach at TalentGuard. It's an ongoing journey, not a destination.

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This investment in talent development complements our efforts to enhance strategic operational processes.”

Tamra Pawloski
Head of Global Leveraged Procurement and Corporate Real Estate
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