Intelligent Role Studio

Smart management of HR workforce data for enhanced role precision

TalentGuard Intelligent Role Studio

About the Intelligent Role Studio

TalentGuard Intelligent Role Studio offers advanced content management designed specifically for HR professionals and subject matter experts. This powerful tool enables precise and efficient handling of workforce data, ensuring that role definitions, skill descriptions and career paths are always accurate, up-to-date, and aligned with organizational goals. This offering enables collaboration among managers and HR professionals to co-create and refine job descriptions, ensuring alignment with organizational needs and industry standards.

The Intelligent Role Studio streamlines operations by consolidating job and skills data within TalentGuard, eliminating spreadsheets and duplicate sources. Seamlessly integrate with SAP SuccessFactors, Workday, Oracle, Smart Recruiters, iCims, and more to unify your technology ecosystem with standardized content.

Real benefits realized by our customers:

90% Reduction in Manual Labor:

  • Significantly decrease the time and effort required to generate and maintain job roles, freeing up your HR team for more strategic tasks.

Higher Quality Job Role Data:

  • Leverage labor market insights to ensure your job roles are always accurate, current, and aligned with industry standards.

Enhanced Role Precision:

  • Optimize role definitions and alignments with advanced data handling and intelligent algorithms, ensuring the right skills are assigned to the right roles.

Streamlined Career Development:

  • Generate and visualize career progression maps, supporting clear and structured employee development across job families, countries, and job grades.

Improved Compliance and Consistency:

  • Ensure consistent role calibration and compliance with industry requirements through side-by-side role comparisons and automated updates.

With TalentGuard Intelligent Role Studio, transform your HR processes with a tool that delivers tangible, impactful benefits to your organization. It provides a dynamic, evolving model that ensures precise role definitions, streamlined career development, and alignment with industry standards, driving better talent management and organizational success.

The Intelligent Role Studio and Talent Frameworks work together to empower HR teams.

TalentGuard Skills and Competencies

Add and edit skills and capabilities

Easily add and edit skills and other capabilities such as experiences, qualifications, certifications, qualifications and work-style preferences to ensure accurate data and comprehensive role definitions. Information such as skill title, skill description and skill group can be stored in the content management system.

TalentGuard AI Align Job Roles

Align job titles with TalentGuard's industry databank

Keep your organizational job roles competitive and relevant by aligning them with the latest industry labor market data. Simply import your job titles, and our AI will map them to the most current industry insights, providing you with up-to-date job and skill data. This ensures a comprehensive job architecture with accurate coverage of every role.

TalentGuard Competency Management and Skills

Add and edit job profiles

Create and modify job profiles with up-to-date information, tailored to meet organizational requirements. Track information such as job title, job description, job assets such as job family and grade, core responsibilities, skills, experiences, qualifications and preferences. Additionally, you can assign job profiles to subject matter experts for thorough review and approval, ensuring accuracy and relevance.

TalentGuard Career Progression Builder

AI-generated career progression maps

Facilitate clear and structured employee development with AI-generated career progression maps. Leverage sophisticated algorithms that analyze title similarities and skill match percentages to generate accurate progression paths. Build custom career progressions within job families, across different countries, and varying job grades, ensuring tailored development opportunities for your workforce.

TalentGuard Intelligent Mapping of Learning to Skills

Intelligent of mapping of learning to skills

Link skills to relevant learning and career development resources, including training courses, books, coaching tips, development options, and interview guides, to support continuous growth and improvement.

Automated Job Description Generation - TalentGuard

Calibrate job roles

Compare job roles side by side to ensure the right skills are assigned to the right roles at the appropriate levels, optimizing role effectiveness. HR and subject matter experts are able to review and edit all role data across job grades, locations and more.

TalentGuard Intelligent Role Studio Benefits

Empower your HR strategy with TalentGuard Intelligent Role Studio

With TalentGuard Intelligent Role Studio, you have a comprehensive tool for precise and dynamic management of HR workforce data, enhancing your ability to define roles, develop talent, and align with industry standards.


With Intelligent Role Studio, we can focus more on getting our employees what they need instead of being stuck in the role rationalization processes that is common without a product like this.
- Stacey Houston, Sr. L&D Consultant, Accruent
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