Development Planning

Keep professional growth on the front burner

Goal Setting and Tracking

TalentGuard Development Planning enables automated goal setting and tracking features that are clear, achievable, and aligned with both individual aspirations and organizational needs. Employee development encompasses training and opportunities for employees to acquire new skills and competencies. TalentGuard’s Development Plan is designed to empowers employees with the knowledge and tools needed to drive lasting change in the workplace.

Automatic Goal Setting:

  • Set goals automatically based on identified skill gaps, career aspirations, leadership weaknesses, and more, ensuring personalized and relevant development plans.

Detailed Action Plans:

  • Create and monitor detailed action plans that outline the steps necessary to achieve each goal, providing a clear roadmap for employee development.

Progress Tracking:

  • Employees can track their progress toward goal completion, allowing them to stay on top of their development objectives and make adjustments as needed.

Continuous Feedback:

  • Receive feedback from peers and managers, enabling continuous improvement and maintaining motivation throughout the development process.

Benefits of the Development Plan:

Personalized Development:

  • Ensure that goals are tailored to individual needs, fostering a more effective and motivating development experience.

Clear Objectives:

  • Provide employees with clear, actionable objectives that align with their career aspirations and organizational goals.

Continuous Improvement:

  • Support ongoing development through regular feedback and progress tracking, helping employees to continuously improve.

TalentGuard’s goal setting and tracking tool makes it easy to prioritize development, ensuring your workforce is equipped to meet the demands of a rapidly changing business world. Empower your employees with clear goals and continuous feedback to drive growth and success.

By equipping employees with clear goals, continuous feedback, and comprehensive tracking tools, TalentGuard not only enhances individual growth but also supports overall organizational success. This holistic approach to development ensures that your workforce remains competitive, engaged, and ready to meet the challenges of a rapidly evolving business landscape. Empower your employees with the tools they need to thrive, a

TalentGuard Development Planning Goals

Automatic goal setting

Aggregate goals across various talent experiences to offer a comprehensive view of all actions needed for completion, streamlining the development process.

Goals assignment:

  • Goals can be assigned from the talent assessment or any other module by employees or managers in the TalentGuard platform.

Goal visibility:

  • Goals can be viewed throughout the manager’s span of control for visibility into attainment.

Goal attainment:

  • Track goal attainment overtime to measure cadence and timing for more optimized learning.
Manager Development Planning tracking - TalentGuard

Visibility for employees and managers

Enable employees to track career development goals all year long, and help managers monitor their team’s progress, provide real-time feedback and recognize achievements.

Action Plans

  • Create and monitor detailed action plans that outline the steps necessary to achieve each goal, providing a clear roadmap for employee development.

Goal Ownership and Security

  • The author of a goal retains full ownership and control over it. This means that the individual who creates the goal is the only one with the authority to modify or delete it, ensuring the integrity and security of personal and developmental objectives. Others can provide feedback and support, but they cannot alter or remove the goal, maintaining clear accountability and ownership throughout the development process.

Optional Manager Approval for Goals

  • Manager approval for goals is configurable and optional. While employees have the autonomy to set and pursue their own development objectives, they can choose to seek manager approval if additional validation or support is desired. This flexible approach empowers employees to take charge of their growth while still allowing for managerial oversight when needed.
TalentGuard Development Goal Progress Tracking

Easy progress tracking

Employees can track their progress toward goal completion, allowing them to stay on top of their development objectives and make adjustments as needed.


  • Manager approval for goals is optional, allowing employees to seek validation and support as needed. This flexibility ensures that employees can take ownership of their development plans while still having the option to involve their managers for additional guidance and endorsement when desired.


  • Rating the goals is optional, providing flexibility in how progress and achievement are assessed. Employees and managers can choose to rate goals to quantify improvement, but it is not mandatory, allowing for a more qualitative and personalized evaluation process when appropriate.

Detailed Action Plans

  • Create and monitor detailed action plans that outline the steps necessary to achieve each goal. Employees can set start dates, end dates, and the next update due date to manage timelines effectively. This feature helps in organizing and prioritizing tasks, ensuring that goals are met within the desired timeframe.

Progress Tracking

  • Track the percentage completion of each goal, allowing employees to monitor their progress toward goal completion and make adjustments as needed. This feature provides a clear visual representation of progress, helping employees stay motivated and on track.
TalentGuard Development Goal Activity Tracking

Dialog and activity tracking

Keep a detailed record of all communications and activities related to each goal. This feature allows employees and managers to track discussions, feedback, and updates, ensuring transparency and accountability in the goal-setting process. By documenting interactions, employees can easily refer back to previous conversations and actions, facilitating better follow-up and goal achievement.

Dialog and Activity Tracking:

  • Keep a detailed record of all communications and activities related to each goal. Every interaction is system-generated with time-stamped activity, and dialog is tracked separately to maintain clarity. This feature ensures transparency and accountability in the goal-setting process by documenting all interactions, allowing employees to refer back to previous conversations and actions easily.

Notifications and Alerts:

  • Stay informed with notifications and alerts for important updates, deadlines, and feedback related to goals. This feature ensures that employees and managers are always aware of critical actions and timelines, promoting timely follow-up and goal achievement.
"Implementing TalentGuard's Development Planning module has transformed the way we manage employee growth and development. The automatic goal setting ensures personalized development plans aligned with our organizational goals, while the optional manager approval and goal rating flexibility empower our team to take ownership of their career. The detailed action plans, dialog and activity tracking with time-stamped interactions, and timely notifications and alerts promote transparency and accountability. Since adopting TalentGuard, we've seen a significant increase in employee engagement and satisfaction, enabling us to effectively meet the demands of our rapidly changing business environment."
- Sarah Thompson, Director of Human Resources, Fortune 50 Retail
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