Performance Reviews

Ongoing feedback, continuous growth

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TalentGuard Performance Management Overview

TalentGuard’s Performance Management software supports a dynamic approach by offering customizable evaluation processes, cascading OKRs, job-based reviews, corrective action plans, development planning, and mid-year reviews. We transform periodic performance reviews into an ongoing conversation fosters continuous improvement and constructive feedback throughout the year. Each panel within the TalentGuard program can be configured for visibility and workflow to align with a company’s specific requirements, ensuring a tailored and efficient process. By turning performance reviews into ongoing conversations, employees receive timely feedback that leads to consistent and measurable improvements.

The ability to view dashboards and run analytics reports is a powerful tool in supporting the merit increase process, upskilling, and career development. Dashboards provide a comprehensive and real-time overview of employee performance metrics, enabling managers to make informed decisions regarding merit increases based on concrete data. Analytics reports offer deeper insights into skill gaps and development opportunities, facilitating targeted upskilling initiatives. By identifying trends and patterns in employee growth and performance, organizations can tailor career development plans to individual needs, ensuring a strategic and data-driven approach to talent management that fosters continuous professional growth and organizational success.

Benefits of Continuous Performance Management

Enhanced Employee Engagement and Motivation

  • Continuous performance management involves regular check-ins and feedback, which keeps employees engaged and motivated. Frequent interactions help employees feel valued and supported, leading to increased job satisfaction and commitment.

Improved Performance and Productivity

  • Regular feedback and ongoing conversations allow for timely identification of performance issues and opportunities for improvement. This proactive approach helps employees address challenges quickly, leading to enhanced performance and overall productivity.

Agility in Goal Alignment and Achievement

TalentGuard allows for more flexible and dynamic goal setting and tracking. As business priorities change, goals can be adjusted in real-time, ensuring that employees’ efforts are always aligned with the organization’s strategic objectives, ultimately driving better business outcomes.

TalentGuard Performance Management Review Cards

Real-time feedback for better learning

Performance feedback is most powerful when it happens in real time, whether it’s constructive criticism or recognition for a job well done. The performance review can be transparent between manager and employee or employee-only, or manager-only.

Turn periodic performance reviews into an ongoing conversation that generates constructive feedback and meaningful, measurable improvement throughout the year.

Manager and HR Dashboards

  • Gain real-time visibility into employee performance metrics through intuitive dashboards, aiding in the merit increase process with accurate and up-to-date data.

Advanced Analytics Reports

  • Run detailed analytics reports to uncover skill gaps and development opportunities, enabling targeted upskilling initiatives and data-driven career development strategies.

Personal Note Tracking

  • Keep track of personal notes on employee performance and development, ensuring that important observations and insights are easily accessible for future reference.

Feedback Requests

  • Easily request feedback from both internal and external stakeholders, providing a well-rounded view of employee performance and areas for improvement.

Progress Monitoring

  • Monitor employee improvement over time with visual and data-rich reports, ensuring continuous development and alignment with organizational goals.
TalentGuard Performance Management Configuration

Multi-faceted performance reviews program

Combine reviews of culture, soft skills, job skills, and organizational goals into one streamlined performance review. Utilize BARS or Likert scales to customize to your organizational needs.

Customized Evaluations

  • TalentGuard’s support for custom evaluations allows companies to tailor performance reviews to fit specific roles and objectives, enhancing relevance and accuracy.

Aligned Objectives

  • The cascading OKRs feature ensures that individual goals are aligned with organizational objectives, promoting cohesive and strategic progress.

Role-Specific Reviews

  • Job-base ed reviews provide insights that are directly related to an employee’s role, fostering targeted development and performance enhancement.

Proactive Corrections

  • Implementing enting corrective action plans enables early identification and resolution of performance issues, reducing the risk of long-term impacts.

Development Planning

  • With structured development planning, employees can focus on continuous growth and skill enhancement, leading to higher engagement and retention.

Mid-Year Check-Ins

  • Mid-year reviews offer a valuable opportunity for course correction and reaffirmation of goals, ensuring ongoing alignment and momentum.

Flexible Configuration

  • TalentGuard’s configurable panels for visibility and workflow ensure that the performance management process is tailored to meet the unique needs of each company, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.
TalentGuard Cascading Goals in Performance Management

Org-wide goal alignment

Keep everyone working towards the targets that matter by setting company or departmental goals and assigning them directly to employees.

Cascading Goals

  • Effortlessly cascade various types of goals including Org-Wide, Business Unit, Manager, and Personal, ensuring alignment across all levels of the organization.

Bidirectional Goal Alignment

  • Cascade objectives down to different organizational levels or align individual objectives up to overarching goals, promoting a cohesive strategy and unified vision.

Goal Weighting and Approval

  • Empower managers to weight and approve the goals that matter most, ensuring that priority objectives receive the focus and resources they require.

Goal Portability

  • Seamlessly carry over goals to new review programs, maintaining continuity and sustained progress on long-term objectives.
The value the product created far outreached our expectations. We are happy that we selected TalentGuard rather than some of the larger players within the market space. I would recommend using this tool because it offers deep functionality at an affordable price point and the Customer Success Team is truly focused on our success.
- Matt Zielke, Human Resource Service Excellence Lead, Ethos Energy
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