
Intelligent Generation of Workforce Data to Power Digital Talent Practices

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TalentGuard WorkforceGPT AI

Use WorkforceGPT for the Generation of Skills, Jobs and Career Progressions

TalentGuard WorkforceGPT uses advanced AI agents and machine learning models to enhance HR efficiency, align organizations with labor market trends, and support employees in their career development. This ensures that your talent management resources are always relevant and reflective of current market demands.


Time to Build Profiles

We reduced the time to build job profiles by 80%, enabling faster role deployment and supporting your business expansion with agility.

Alignment of Roles with Business Needs

TalentGuard achieves a 90% alignment of new job roles with a company’s business needs, ensuring their workforce is strategically positioned to support growth and innovation initiatives.

Accuracy of Career Progressions

WorkforceGPT accurately predicted 80% of employee career progressions, demonstrating its effectiveness in guiding talent development and aligning with actual career trajectories within the organization.

Enhancing Efficiency with AI Innovation

Training our Models

The TalentGuard Talent Frameworks, developed and refined over 30 years, provide a rich repository of industry-specific job profiles, skills, and competencies. These frameworks serve as a foundational element in training WorkforceGPT, ensuring that the generated content is grounded in extensive industry knowledge and insights.

Labor Market Insights

By incorporating the latest labor market data, WorkforceGPT ensures that job descriptions, skills, and career progression maps are not only aligned with internal organizational requirements but also with external market trends. This helps your organization stay competitive and attract top talent.

Organization Customization

WorkforceGPT tailors job descriptions, skills, and career progression maps to your company’s specific data and requirements. This customization ensures that each profile accurately reflects the unique needs and goals of your organization.

WorkforceGPT Agents

TalentGuard’s WorkforceGPT offers features that support the intelligent generation of your workforce data.


Generation of skill groups, still titles, skill descriptions, and behavioral indicators


Generation of job titles, job descriptions, core responsibilities, mapped skills, skill relevance, and target proficiency benchmarks


Generation of upward, lateral and downward career progressions within job families and beyond


Generation of skill-specific interview guides, learning resources, coaching tips, and development options


Mapping of organization-specific learning resources to TalentGuard’s skills taxonomies


Guidance and recommendations to employees about career options and professional growth

AI at work that specializes in your job catalog, skills library and career architecture

Advanced Skill Management - TalentGuard


Ensures that your skill profiles are precise, relevant, and aligned with both industry standards and your organization’s unique needs.

Skill Title

  • Automatically generate accurate and relevant skill titles based on your organizational data and labor market insights.

Skill Description

  • Develop detailed skill descriptions that clearly outline the requirements and expectations for each skill, ensuring a thorough understanding across your organization.

Skill Group

  • Categorize skills effectively to facilitate easy navigation and management. This organization helps in identifying skill gaps and planning targeted development programs.

Proficiency Level Structuring

  • Build skills with 3, 4, or 5 proficiency levels to match the complexity and depth required for each role. Each proficiency level includes clear and concise indicators

Proficiency Indicators

  • Define 3-6 indicator statements for each proficiency level, providing specific and actionable benchmarks for assessing skill development. TalentGuard controls the character count to ensure clarity and brevity.
Automated Job Description Generation - TalentGuard


Streamlines the creation of detailed job descriptions, ensuring that your organization’s job profiles are comprehensive, consistent, and aligned with industry standards.

Job Title

  • Generate precise and relevant job titles based on your organizational data and labor market insights. This ensures that job titles are aligned with current trends and organizational needs.

Job Description

  • Create detailed job descriptions that clearly define the role and its requirements. These descriptions provide a thorough overview of each position, making it easier to attract and retain the right talent.

Core Responsibilities

  • Generate 4 core responsibilities for each job role. These core responsibilities provide a clear understanding of the key duties and expectations for each position.

Skill Distribution

  • Generate up to 30 skills for each job role, categorized into technical skills, common skills, and leadership skills. This comprehensive skill set ensures that all necessary competencies are covered.
TalentGuard Career Progression Builder


Automatically generates internal career maps to support employees in navigating their career paths with confidence and clarity.

Dynamic Career Progressions

  • Generate upward, lateral, and downward career paths within and beyond job families.

Grade Level Insights

  • Utilize grade levels to create precise career progression pathways.

Skill-Based Matching

  • Match roles based on similar skills and capabilities for optimal career alignment.

Feedback for Learning

  • The software learn from internal moves to optimize the career development journeys.
TalentGuard Assets


Offers a powerful feature that generates skill-specific resources. This capability ensures that every stage of the employee lifecycle is supported with tailored tools designed to enhance skill acquisition and career progression.

Interview Guides

  • Detailed interview guides that focus on assessing the key skills needed for success.

Learning Resources

  • Provide customized learning materials tailored to individual skill gaps and career goals.

Coaching Tips

  • Targeted coaching tips to help managers and mentors effectively guide employee development.

Comprehensive Development Options

  • Provide a range of on-the-job learning experiences to help employees develop expertise in specific skills.


Offers an innovative solution for mapping learning resources based on skills and proficiency levels. This advanced AI engine searches the internet for the best learning content and automatically maps it to the relevant skills, ensuring that your employees have access to high-quality, targeted development resources.

Skill-Based Learning Search

  • Workforce GPT intelligently searches the internet to find the best learning resources aligned with specific skills and proficiency levels. This ensures that your employees have access to top-tier, relevant learning materials.

Proficiency Level Mapping

  • Automatically map learning resources to various proficiency levels within each skill. This targeted approach helps employees at different stages of their development access the most appropriate content for their needs.

Customer LMS Integration

  • Automatically map your organization’s existing Learning Management System (LMS) content to TalentGuard skills. This ensures that all learning resources, both external and internal, are aligned with your organization’s skill framework.

Continuous Updates

  • Keep your learning content up-to-date with continuous searches and mappings. Workforce GPT ensures that your learning library remains current with the latest and most effective learning materials available.
TalentGuard Virtual Assistant Career Coach


The agent was trained using the extensive experience of our founder, Linda Ginac, who spent 15 years as a career coach and has codified her knowledge in a 600-page book on effective career coaching. The agent offers employees guidance and recommendations on career options and professional growth.

Career Conversations

  • Employees can ask career-related questions to the virtual assistant in a secure, private environment. The agent is trained on common career-related inquiries, saving clients valuable setup time.

Give WorkforceGPT a Try for Free

Accelerate your job architecture, skills taxonomy or skill-to-job mapping project – Submit 10 Job Titles for us to process with WorkforceGPT. Using WorkforceGPT, we will build the job description with 4 core responsibilities, 10 technical skills with definitions, and behavioral indicators at four levels of proficiency. The data will be delivered in a spreadsheet ready to import and use. It’s fast, accurate, relevant, and based on the latest industry trends.

As a company deeply invested in optimizing our talent management systems, we recently had the opportunity to utilize TalentGuard's workforceGPT Copilot for generating skill-based job profiles. The results were nothing short of remarkable. TalentGuard delivered highly relevant job profiles. What impressed us the most was not just the speed of delivery, but the structured format of the profiles, which allowed us to integrate them seamlessly into our existing systems. This level of efficiency and quality has set a new standard for us in talent management."
- Head of Learning and Development for a Fortune 100 Manufacturer
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