Succession Planning

Proactive planning for future talent needs

TalentGuard Succession Planning

Data-Driven Succession Planning for Leadership Continuity

TalentGuard’s data-driven succession planning solution incorporates several key features designed to ensure leadership continuity and strategic alignment:

Dynamic Talent Pools

  • Flexible Pool Creation: Create dynamic talent pools based on jobs, people, or custom criteria, allowing organizations to build a robust pipeline of potential leaders tailored to specific needs.

Ideal Candidate Criteria

  • Automated Talent Identification: Utilize ideal candidate criteria to automatically identify talent, ensuring that the best candidates are recognized and prepared for future leadership roles.

Nine-Box Grid

  • Performance and Potential Analysis: Employ the nine-box grid to evaluate employees based on performance and potential, facilitating a clear and structured approach to identifying high-potential individuals.

Talent Finder

  • Advanced Search Capabilities: Leverage the Talent Finder feature to quickly and efficiently locate the right talent within the organization, streamlining the succession planning process.

Benefits of Data-Driven Succession Planning

Objective Selection Process

  • Transparency and Fairness: Using comprehensive skills data ensures an objective and transparent selection process, minimizing personal biases and enabling informed decisions based on quantifiable metrics such as performance data, leadership competencies, and skill assessments.

Strategic Alignment

  • Future-Ready Leadership: Skills data aligns successors with the company’s strategic direction. By analyzing trends and projecting future skill needs, companies can prepare leaders who are not only effective in their current roles but also capable of navigating future challenges.

Identifying and Closing Skill Gaps

  • Targeted Development: This approach enables early identification of critical skill gaps within succession pools, allowing for targeted development initiatives such as training programs or rotational assignments, enhancing the readiness of potential leaders.

Increased Transparency and Accountability

  • Fostering Trust: A data-driven approach fosters greater fairness and accountability, increasing trust in the succession process. This transparency motivates employees to aspire to leadership roles, knowing that progression is based on merit and capability.

Enhanced Talent Retention

  • Boosting Engagement: A clear, data-supported path to leadership boosts employee engagement and retention. Employees are more likely to stay with an organization that offers a fair and accessible advancement path. This approach also allows for proactive recognition and nurturing of high-potential employees, enhancing their commitment and loyalty.

By adopting TalentGuard’s data-driven succession planning solution, organizations can ensure leadership continuity, strategic alignment, and enhanced talent retention, positioning themselves for sustained success.

TalentGuard Succession Planning Grid

Talent pool builder

Proactively manage succession risks and role vacancies with internal talent pools. Evaluate how well candidates match the role profile and alert management to flight risks.

Unlimited Talent Pools

  • Scalability: Create and manage an unlimited number of talent pools to meet the diverse and evolving needs of your organization

Flexible Pool Creation

  • Customizable Criteria: Base your talent pools on job profiles, specific people, or custom search criteria, allowing for precise and tailored talent management.

Real-Time Updates

  • Dynamic Tracking: Keep your talent pools up-to-date with real-time data on candidate availability, skill levels, and performance metrics.

Integrated Performance Metrics

  • Holistic Evaluation: Incorporate performance metrics, leadership competencies, and skill assessments into your talent pools for a comprehensive evaluation of each candidate.

Collaborative Tools

  • Team Input: Enable collaborative decision-making by allowing multiple stakeholders to review, comment on, and contribute to the evaluation process of candidates within the talent pools.
TalentGuard Succession Planning Talent Finder

Targeted internal talent search

Recruit internally based on multiple criteria, including verified skills, competencies, performance, career aspirations, manager recommendations, and more.

Multi-Criteria Recruitment

  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Recruit internally based on a wide range of criteria, including verified skills, competencies, performance, career aspirations, manager recommendations, and more, ensuring a thorough and balanced selection process.

Verified Skills and Competencies

  • Accurate Matching: Utilize verified skills and competencies to match candidates with the most suitable roles, enhancing the precision and effectiveness of your internal recruitment efforts.

Performance-Based Selection

  • Data-Driven Decisions: Integrate performance data to identify high achievers and ensure that your internal recruitment decisions are grounded in objective and quantifiable metrics.

Career Aspirations Alignment

  • Employee Engagement: Take into account employees’ career aspirations to align internal recruitment opportunities with their personal and professional goals, fostering greater engagement and satisfaction.

Manager Recommendations

  • Informed Insights: Leverage manager recommendations to gain valuable insights into candidates’ potential and readiness for new roles, adding a qualitative dimension to the recruitment process.

Holistic Candidate Profiles

  • Comprehensive Overview: Create holistic candidate profiles that encompass skills, competencies, performance records, career aspirations, and manager feedback, providing a well-rounded view of each candidate.
TalentGuard Succession Planning People Comparison

Objective candidate evaluation

Reduce bias in your internal mobility decisions with objective, verified skill data. Compare candidates side-by-side based on match percentage, time-to-readiness, previous roles, preferences, and more.

Informed Decision-Making

  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Compare candidates within a pool side-by-side to evaluate their qualifications, skills, and potential. This thorough comparison ensures you select the best fit for each role, enhancing the quality of your internal recruitment decisions.

Bias Reduction

  • Objective Selection: Reduce bias in your internal mobility decisions by utilizing objective, verified skill data. This data-driven approach promotes fairness and transparency in the candidate selection process.

Match Percentage

  • Precision Matching: Compare candidates based on match percentage to determine how closely their skills and qualifications align with the requirements of the role, ensuring precision in your selection.


  • Preparedness Assessment: Evaluate candidates based on their time-to-readiness, which estimates how quickly they can be prepared to assume the new role, allowing for efficient and timely internal mobility.

Previous Roles

  • Experience Insight: Compare candidates’ previous roles to gain insight into their relevant experience and how it applies to the new position, providing a clear view of their career trajectory.


  • Personal Fit: Take into account candidates’ preferences to ensure that the new role aligns with their career goals and interests, promoting job satisfaction and retention.

By leveraging side-by-side candidate comparison, your organization can make more informed, objective, and strategic internal recruitment decisions, ensuring the best fit for each role while supporting employee growth and reducing bias.

TalentGuard Succession Planning People Dashboard

A clear view of team insights for future needs

Enable managers to see their teams’ bench strengths, tenure risks, and gaps in role succession so they can develop their people with an eye to the future.

Empower Managers with Comprehensive Team Insights

  • Bench Strength Analysis: Enable managers to see their teams’ bench strengths, providing a clear understanding of the current capabilities and readiness of their team members.

Tenure Risk Identification

  • Proactive Risk Management: Identify tenure risks within the team, allowing managers to anticipate potential departures and plan accordingly to mitigate the impact on the organization.

Succession Gaps Detection

  • Strategic Succession Planning: Highlight gaps in role succession to ensure managers are aware of areas where successors are lacking or where additional development is needed.

Future-Oriented Development

  • Focused Employee Development: Equip managers with the information needed to develop their people with an eye to the future, ensuring that the team is prepared for upcoming challenges and leadership transitions.

By providing these insights, managers can make informed decisions about team development, proactively address potential risks, and ensure that their teams are equipped to meet future demands.

TalentGuard’s software was the only product on the market capable of assessing our employees on our deep skill grids assessments.
- Harvey Greenberg, Chief of Staff and Head of Strategic Initiatives, Human Resources
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