Career Pathing: Career Development Framework

Career Pathing: Create a Career Development Framework

This presentation explores the essential elements of constructing an effective career pathing framework using TalentGuard’s innovative solutions. Focusing on the challenges faced by employees like Eric, who feel stuck and overlooked, we demonstrate how Career Pathing can transform employee engagement and retention. Key features include the Talent Marketplace, which leverages AI to match internal opportunities with employee skills and aspirations, the Career Canvas for visualizing career trajectories, and Opportunity Management for real-time vacancy handling. The presentation outlines best practices for developing a comprehensive career development framework that aligns with organizational goals, fosters employee growth, and ensures a highly skilled workforce. By integrating structured career pathing processes, organizations can enhance talent mobility, reduce turnover, and drive overall success.

During this talent management webinar, Career Pathing: Create a Career Development Framework, Linda Ginac takes an in-depth look at the following topics:

  • How to create career paths for job roles that empower your employees to take control of their careers
  • How to create a gap analysis and align career development resources to close skill gaps
  • How to effectively track an employee’s career path and ensure they’re doing the right things to get them where they want to be