Winning Executive Support for Career Planning

3 Tips to Get Executives Bought into Career Planning

Winning Executive Support for Career Planning

In this webinar, Linda Ginac will share retention-focused strategies to help companies thrive.

Topics discussed:

  • First, she will discuss how to reduce the excessive time and energy spent on new talent acquisition by focusing on hiring from within. Promoting internal talent not only saves resources but also boosts employee morale and loyalty.
  • Next, Linda will explain how to increase visibility for available career paths within the organization. By clearly outlining potential career trajectories, companies can help employees understand their growth opportunities and feel more invested in their roles.
  • She will also address how to curtail and remedy job-hopping. Frequent job changes can disrupt productivity and morale. Providing clear career progression and development opportunities helps retain top talent and maintain a stable workforce.

Despite technological advancements, people remain the most valuable resource in any company. Adopting cutting-edge talent management practices for attracting, developing, and retaining high-performing employees has become a competitive necessity for businesses.

Linda emphasizes the importance of providing resources that help employees plan for their future. Company-wide career planning initiatives aid the retention of top employees by showing them how to progress their careers within the organization. This approach ensures that valuable knowledge and expertise remain within the company.

Strengthening the relationship between employees and their companies creates highly engaged and motivated personnel, which benefits the bottom line. However, executives often focus on high-level issues and need reminders that corporate planning efforts must extend to the individuals within the organization.

In this webinar, Winning Executive Support for Career Planning, learn how to gain executive support for career planning and implement strategies that foster employee growth and retention. Linda Ginac’s insights will help you create a more engaged, motivated, and loyal workforce, driving your company’s success.