Unlocking Skills Intelligence in a Shifting Economy

Unlocking Skills Intelligence in a Shifting Economy

Work has changed and keeps changing, especially after the global pandemic. Businesses now aim to grow revenue while cutting costs. They are also reskilling and redeploying employees to key areas. How can organizations make the right decisions about their workforce and operations? The answer lies in Skills Intelligence. In this webinar, TalentGuard CEO Linda Ginac will discuss the need for reskilling and how businesses can use skills intelligence to adapt to the shifting economy.

What you’ll learn:

  • Understand Reskilling: Discover what reskilling entails and how it supports revenue growth at a reduced cost. Reskilling involves training employees with new skills to meet the changing demands of the business, ensuring that talent aligns with the most critical needs.
  • Define Skills Intelligence: Learn what skills intelligence is and how to enable it within your organization. Skills intelligence refers to the systematic analysis and application of data about employees’ skills and capabilities to make informed decisions about talent management and workforce planning.
  • Apply Skills Intelligence: Explore how to use skills intelligence in your business. This includes leveraging data to identify skill gaps, align workforce capabilities with strategic goals, and make evidence-based decisions about hiring, training, and deployment.
  • Practical Steps to Get Started: Gain insights into practical steps for implementing skills intelligence in your organization. This will cover strategies for data collection, analysis, and application, ensuring a smooth transition to a skills-based approach in workforce management.

Unlocking skills intelligence is crucial for businesses wanting to thrive in a shifting economy. By understanding and using reskilling and skills intelligence, organizations can optimize their workforce, drive growth, and stay competitive in a changing market. Join Linda Ginac, the CEO of TalentGuard, in this informative webinar to learn how to harness the power of skills intelligence for your business’s success.