Dynamic Skills Software

The ready-to-use system of truth

Our platform provides a world-class Dynamic Skills Software. Don’t let your skills and competency data remain unused inside a spreadsheet. Get the ability to create or extend your competency frameworks, customize job profiles, assign learning and development options, govern workflow and collaborate with other talent management applications.

Intelligent generation of job descriptions, skills, career progression maps and learning data - TalentGuard
Advanced Skill Management - TalentGuard


Ability to create, edit and compare multiple competencies, including: Skills, Experiences, Qualifications and Preferences that are required for job functions.


Ability to map competencies, job grades, learning resources and other data to job profiles.

Automated Job Description Generation - TalentGuard


Job Profile calibration includes adjusting the level of proficiency and importance level of associated competencies across job profiles and grade levels.


Manage entitlement, rules, roles and policies to seamlessly govern job role data.

Workforce Intelligence Platform

It starts with the leading AI Workforce Intelligence solution for employers.

Build and maintain HR job data faster with AI and centralized it, boost employee engagement, and optimize company performance on one integrated platform—from backroom to boardroom. Whether your company is managing talent for the first time, updating outdated tools, or seeking a competitive edge, our solution can meet your needs and help make your talent vision a reality.


Assess current skills of your workforce & close gaps

Effectively assess their employees’ skills, identify gaps, and implement strategies to develop a skilled and competent workforce prepared to meet current and future challenges.

All the Automate features plus the ability to:

  • Create a Skills Inventory
  • Conduct Gap Analysis


Unlock employee talents & career development

Organizations can significantly enhance their talent development strategy and workforce effectiveness by assessing employee skills, curating personalized learning paths, recommending appropriate career paths, and tracking career goals.

All the Automate features plus the ability to:

  • Assess Employee Skills and Competencies
  • Curate Personalized Employee Learning Paths
  • Recommend Employee Career Paths
  • Track Career Goals


Measure the impact of upskilling on business performance

Building talent pools, measuring employee performance, tracking certifications, and conducting multi-rater feedback enhance talent management, ensure compliance, and foster organizational leadership development.

All the Engage features plus the ability to:

  • Build Talent Pools
  • Measure Employee Performance
  • Track Employee Certifications
  • Conduct Multi-Rater Leadership Feedback

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Additional information

When setting up your organization for success, it’s important to consider not only the skills you need right now, but also the skills that will be in demand in the future. Dynamic skills software can be utilized to help you better understand both.

Organizations that manage their talent based on dynamic skills, meaning skills that are updated in real time, have a distinct advantage in performance and management. Taking it a step further, dynamic skills software helps automate the process of gathering massive data and updating a skills cloud to allow for these quick skill updates.


There are three ways to manage skills in your organization:





Most organizations have traditionally used a reactive approach to skill management. They start looking at their skills database as a reaction to a need. The reactive approach has flaws because it leaves your organization without the talent or skills necessary for a position until new talent can be identified for the role or someone internally can be trained for the responsibility.

Most companies know that the reactive is the less productive method and they’ve begun to aim for a predictive model. In this model, talent is developed in advance for skill gaps that are predictively assumed by the organization. The problem is that the predictive methodologies still leave a lot to be desired. It’s difficult to gather and analyze a wide swath of data to arrive at accurate predictions of the future skill set needed. Added to this issue is the fact that necessary and desired skills are changing rapidly.

The skills database will house skills that your roles may have needed in the past but aren’t as necessary going forward, as well as new skills. Moving to a dynamic skill set, meaning a solution that can automate this process and keep it updated in real-time, allows your organization to adjust quickly and arrive at accurate future predictions. You can easily identify skill gaps and shifts in the industry as they happen as opposed to after.

Dynamic Skills Examples

The Dynamic Skills Theory by Dr. Kurt Fischer dives into the way that human beings develop skills. It’s not just the development process or the way that a person develops particular expertise, but also the way they approach it and what they gain from the learning experience. It’s a psychological approach to understanding how developing these skills impacts the employee and the workforce. There are other factors at play besides the simple mastering of a skill, such as motivation, self-esteem, and the way the skill correlates to other aspects of work and life.

It is difficult to take a dynamic approach to skills management because there is such a wide swath of data that needs to be updated continuously. Not only do you need a comprehensive way to gather information, but you also need excellent reporting options to help you easily identify key insights. The changing dynamics in skills add another layer to the puzzle.

For managers and HR professionals, an important component is finding solutions to be able to train people quickly while the need is still there. With dynamic skills software, you’re able to gain real-time updates at a glance. You can develop processes that help your employees see and make use of training opportunities that benefit them. Additionally, you can find opportunities to allow your staff the growth potential they need to thrive and maintain the highest level of engagement.

Skills to Put on Resume

If you search “dynamic skills” and related terms, you’re bound to see an entry for skills to put on a resume. This is, of course, one of the ways that hiring managers find candidates to interview for open positions. For employees, the skills they gather in their current position are crucial to help them grow professionally, therefore that is something they’re looking for in a fulfilling role.

For job seekers, skills may just represent expertise to put on a resume and assess the job responsibilities for a role. While your employee might want to use the tools of your software to help them highlight their own resume and CV experience, you’ll be able to use these features to build a better organization.

The soft skills on resumes should have a higher priority than many employees or hiring managers might assume. While the hard skills for resumes are often those highlighted for a position, the soft skills are what help you understand how the employee will function in a team environment. For the employee, these are the skills that will truly help them excel in a team environment, because they speak to the way the employee works with others, delegates tasks, and meets deadlines.

Dynamic skills software solutions help your organization keep track of both types of skills. This is an excellent resource for both the organization and the employee. A full picture helps management place employees in the right position for them to flourish. It also helps the employee plan their career trajectory and determine which skills need to be addressed to move in the direction they desire.

An organization that uses dynamic skills software can foster a more growth-centric environment among staff, support initiatives to promote from within, and create a much healthier and happier company culture. Employees can use these tools to help them understand the different roles within your company and the industry as a whole. It provides a way to assess current expertise and motivates upward growth.


Why the Dynamic Skills Approach Is the Better Methodology

The dynamic skills approach makes sense of the wealth of data your organization compiles on employee skills. It gives you an automated approach and a user-friendly application. This allows everyone from your management to your individual employees a more convenient and accurate way to monitor, maintain, and improve skills.

Your organization can use dynamic skills software to arrive at more accurate predictions for the skills you need as the industry moves and pivots. For your organization, this means that you’ll be better prepared to maintain a workforce that meets your needs today, tomorrow, and in six months.

The dynamic skills approach will help you identify the skills you currently have, create training programs for future growth, and keep an eye on the industry as a whole. This will help you pivot proactively when needed so that your management and staff are more efficient and productive.


If you’re ready to see how TalentGuard can help implement your organization’s dynamic skills approach, request a preview today.

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